Sunday, September 4, 2011

To eat meat or not - That is my question

To eat meat or not - that is my question.  Is it healthier to eat meat and dairy or is it healthier to stay on a plant based diet with no milk or dairy : Vegan.

 We are starting September 5, 2011 with the 21 Day Kickstart Program - Join us!

This blog is to track the Vegan lifestyle as we learn it and as we live it.  Brian (DH) & I have been eating less and less meat mostly due to my daughter's example. She is now Vegan and we were trying many vegan and vegetarian recipes so she could eat with us.   I have been very interested in the vegetarian & vegan diets for health reasons - both what can be avoided in life (i.e cancer, heart attack, etc.) to what can be better maintained physically (both weight and arthritis).

Although I love animals and have three dogs I am not doing this out of moral opposition to eating meat.  Truth be told, though, I couldn't eat lamb after raising goats.  So we'll see where this leads, but just wanted to keep an accurate record for myself and others who are following and/or joining us.

This will be my personal journal  :
our food changes - what we find new and what we miss
links I use via web or Facebook to assist in our journey
weight changes
health benefits
anything else that seems appropriate

I hope you will all enjoy our journey ramblings and laugh along with us as we stumble through the unknown. Leave comments on what you like or would like to see. 

Let's learn together,
Vegan Lady

1 comment:

  1. Well, didn't end up eating cereal for dinner -- stir fried a concoction of zucchini, yellow squash, apples and some kind of yellow sweet pepper in a bit of lime olive oil. Actually came out good. Sweet/tart from the apples and peppers, and the mild squash picked up a hint of the lime.
